Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Let It Go!

There's an old adage, "Forgiving is forgetting." There is some truth to that, but it takes a while to get there and deliberate determination to make the journey. That good ole' adage might be better put, "Forgiving leads to forgetting."

To forgive is to give up our resentment or to stop blaming. In the Lord's prayer Jesus asked the Father to forgive us for our sins as we forgive others.*

 To forget is a little different. it can mean to lose the memory of something but it also means to disregard intentionally or to overlook.

We can't afford to be confused about the issue. We will have a memory of it. On one hand things that offend, anger, or hurt us seem to be burned into our minds. On the other hand we forget where we put our keys! We need to remember that forgiving means to stop resenting and deal with the anger issues.  Forgetting is intentionally disregarding it. Letting it go!

Forgiving is a habit. Forgetting is the result.*

So whatever is bothering you...let it go!

Matthew 6:15 But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.

I Corinthians 13:5....It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.



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