Saturday, August 30, 2014

Fear of Making Mistakes - Wasting God's Gifts

I made an important decision today. My children have given me many beautiful journals. They know I keep a journal and I have for many years. But I have been afraid to use them because they were so pretty and I didn't want to mess them up with my horrible penmanship!

But I got to thinking those journals were given to me to use not to admire. And though I do admire them, I am going to use them. I will make mistakes, I will have some scrawling. I will have bad grammar and punctuation and spelling. But I will use them.

I think life is like that too sometimes. We are so afraid we are going to mess up or make a mistake that we miss opportunities for many good things. Think about it. Haven't you ever missed a deadline to do something you really wanted to do because you waited too long, afraid you might mess up?

I don't want to miss out on any opportunities. And I don't want to waste the gifts I've been given. If I mess up, I mess up. That's what erasers are for. Jesus erased our sins and He knows we are going to mess up. But when we mess up, we 'fess up and get up and go on!

I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

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