Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fire and Ice- It's still Anger

Anger is one of those really passionate emotions. It's hot and can burn. It can make us flare up and even get red in the face. Or... we can give someone a really cold shoulder!  It is still anger and it has to be subdued by the Holy Spirit.

There are different kinds of anger and most of the time it is a work of the flesh. (Galatians 5:19-21) We get angry for many reasons and some, folks just have angry or hateful natures. (Proverbs 22:24)  But what happens when some one you love drives you crazy? You seem to give it all you've got and still it just isn't enough. It seems like any compliment, comment or suggestion is met with words that are grievous.

 It is natural to get angry. Natural not spiritual. Perhaps we should consider the "why" in that anger.  You know that the offender loves you. You know that you love them, but you just don't see eye to eye. That's why it hurts so much! 

We can't afford to let anger get the best of us.   I just want to turn my head and roll my eyes!  I want to say a snarky comment or just shake my head! And sometimes I do!  (I have a confession to make.I have learned how to do the dishes with my eyes crossed! I am not proud of it but it is the truth never the less.) Lord help me! The best way to handle it I think is to walk in love. So easy to say, so tough to do! What would love do though? What would that look like?

Love would be patient and kind.   According to I Peter 3:4 It is a quiet and gentle spirit. And to be sure... we can't do that unless we pray without ceasing!

This kind of quietness is not the cold shoulder. It's gentle and kind. Think of a lamb. Remember Jesus said as you do this to the least of these, you do it unto Me.

This is a lesson I am definitely learning. It is a continuing lesson and I am sure it's gonna take some time for me to get it right! How about you?

 (Romans 12:18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.)

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