Sunday, January 4, 2015

Resolutions, Phases, Habits and Customs

The New Year has begun.  It's full of promise and projects. Some of us are already to start spring cleaning!  It is also a time of New Year's Resolutions! A New Year's Resolution is a commitment by a person to do something. We might want to lose weight, or quit smoking or start exercising. And we are serious about it.  Some of us by the grace of God keep those commitments and they develop into a phase. 

   A phase is something we do for a short time.  But sometimes what may have seemed  a phase to others,  takes hold and a habit is formed.

We'll use weight loss as an example. We get into the habit of counting calories or carbs. We make ourselves go to the gym. Sometimes by the skin of our teeth but we keep on doing it. Now we've done it long enough that we begin to see some progress. And a custom is born!

 A custom is something that is done almost automatically. We automatically know the kinds of foods to limit and which ones we need more of. We go to the gym on a routine basis and before you know it our whole lifestyle has changed! The way we do things has changed and turned into a custom.

 Resolutions can become phases. Phases can become habits and those habits can become customs!

May this year hold godly resolutions that develop into phases and phase into habits and grow into customs!

Luke 2:27-29 NLT That day the Spirit led him to the Temple. So when Mary and Joseph came to present the baby Jesus to the Lord as the law required,  Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, “Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised.

Luke 2:46 NLT Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions.

Luke 4:16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.

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