Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Some thoughts on temptation.
The Lord reminded me that I can only be tempted by common things.
Temptations are not unusual, or overpowering.
God will not allow us to be tempted over an beyond what we can stand.
He will make a way to get away from it.

Then another thought occurred to me.
Jesus said "I am the Way, The Truth and The Life!

So.. If God makes a way for me to escape temptation, Jesus is the way.
How so?
By surrendering our choices to Him.
Even in the briefest of prayers, if we ask Him for help, He will help us.

I am finding out that my cries for help are that He will let me have His thoughts rather than my own.

I want to be like Jesus.
He always does those things that please the Father!
These thoughts are based on 1Corinthians 10:13 and John 14:6

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