Friday, December 9, 2016

Who's Skin Are You In?

Have you ever heard of someone being referred to as "thin-skinned,"? That means the person is overly sensitive, they may be offended easily and are especially sensitive to criticism.  Maybe you know some one who is of that nature.
But we don't have to be thin-skinned. We don't have to be people pleasers. In fact as followers of Christ Jesus, we for the most part, not be people pleasers.
Jesus said in John 15:5 I am the Vine and you are the branch. He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit. Apart from Me you can do nothing. *(emphasis mine) 
Did you catch it? The key is to abide, live in Jesus and allow Him to live in us. That is a super-natural protection. It doesn't mean our feelings will never be hurt. Of course they will. But if we abide; (live in constant fellowship with Him through prayer), in Jesus essentially He is our skin! And as He lives in us, through the  Holy Spirit and the Word we are empowered to let those criticisms roll off of our natural skin! We will bear sweet juice, joy, peace, patience, etc.
Lessons to Share: Minutia - Unbroken Fellowship:
* Psalms 119:165 Those who love your instructions have great peace and do not stumble.Psalms 1

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